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Leigh Hurst
Sep 22, 20206 min read
Ancestral Healing
You are neither a victim nor a victimizer –Your pain began with someone beyond you. Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you...
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JC Conway
Apr 25, 20185 min read
Finding Your Anchor
To my surprise, after doing a little research online, I found dozens of different anchors to test out during my next few sessions. After rea
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Leigh Hurst
Jul 11, 20153 min read
When to fire your clients
When you are an entrepreneur you are approached with many different ideas and obstacles. One of the challenges could be with your...
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Leigh Hurst
Apr 20, 20153 min read
Speak Truth To Me
Today I held space for a healing session with a client who had ovarian cancer. Her numbers are elevated so we are working on sending...
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Leigh Hurst
Nov 12, 20141 min read
Self Awareness -vs- Self Appearance
Every week I observe human behavior. It may be through my clients, friends, or just watching people in general. As Friday approaches I...
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